This is the FREE (at no charge) version of Proforms. It has reduced functionallity but does provide more features than Mad4Joomla. It is Joomla 1.5 up to 3.x compatible and gives you the full cutting edge usability and security of the advance version.
CAUTION! You need to uninstall Mad4Joomla before installing any Proforms!
Proforms Basic
Proforms Advance
Cutting edge usability
Using form templates
Use multiple form templates in forms
Only one
All layouts
Fieldsets with legends
App system
Database support
Records management
Data Export (Excel and CSV)
Mass mail manager
Double Opt In
Confirmation emails to sender
Editing CSS (Own editor)
Redirection or custom text after sending
5 captchas including reCaptcha
Spam traps and sending time review
PayPal™ support (simple)
Custom HTML between form fields
Custome code (JS /HTML) at the end of forms
AJAX and server side validation
Easy backup
SEF support
Using form categories
Customizing emails
Field alias system
Patch system
JS Framework for comparison validation
Prepared for multi lingual support
Form in content (only with plug-in)
Form in module
Helpdesk (Service) access
Not part of the sales contract but we almost answer all questions within the service time
Plugins (inclusive)
Modules (inclusive)
Standard apps (inclusive)
Only for 180 & 365 days service
Additional apps (inclusive)
Only for 365 days service
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